Saturday, September 27, 2008


Sorry I haven't updated the blog lately. We've had quite a few sleepless nights the last few weeks but I think we're getting back on track. On the 18th, we went to see Dr. Stephen Hardy, a pediatric gastroenterologist. He feels that because Emily broke out into hives while having formula, that she has a milk and soy allergy and not just an intolerance, no matter what the allergy test say. He feels they are too unreliable in the first year. He also agreed with me on the possible meat and egg issue, but again is worried they are allergies so he was kind enough to get us scheduled with a pediatric allergist who we will see next month and then with a nutritionist to make sure Emily and I are eating well. In the meantime, Emily and I are eating milk, soy, egg, and meat free. I'll repost some of the previous recipes that I have so that they are updated without eggs.

Also, we went to see our normal pediatrician yesterday as Emily was still having issues with laying down flat. I could rock her to sleep up on my shoulders but the minute I tried to lay her down, she would arch her back and scream (sometimes while still sleeping). Since we got the food thing straighten out (for now anyway), we figured something else was wrong. They think it's acid reflux so they prescribed some medication, and what do you know, after the first dose, she had a wonderful night!