Saturday, November 22, 2008

I'm back!

Sorry for the lack of posts the last 6 weeks or so. The baby had many more bad nights that lead us to eating an extreme elimination diet so I didn't have anything new to report. After a couple trips to both the pediatric allergist and the pediatric GI doctors - I think we're finally getting somewhere. Emily had another RAST blood test that came back positive for milk, egg, and peanut. She also had low positives for wheat and oat, but the allergist thought they were too low to worry about. He asked me to try to reintroduce them back into her diet and see what happened. The baker that I am (and the fact that her 1st birthday was approaching), I started with wheat. Not only was I to use the 4 day rule, I was also to wait a week inbetween any new introductions. She got sick right away on wheat - so we were back to the doctor again. This time they did a skin prick test which was positive for wheat. If there was any good news in all of this, it was that she seems to have outgrown the soy allergy. She passed both the RAST and skin tests for it. I haven't reintroduced it yet, but I hope it will go well. Last week we reintroduced rice and this week corn. Next week will be turkey! I timed this because of thanksgiving of course as I couldn't imagine going without (but would have if I had to). Since I have to have it one day anyway as a tester, I'm waiting until Thanksgiving day so that I can have it guilt free. The other advantage is that if she does get sick through the night, both my husband and I are off work the following day!

We've been trying lots of items lately - both some successes and some failures. I'm hoping to try to get caught up on my reviews this weekend, so there will be many more posts. I've also visited some new stores that carry allergen free items so I'm thinking about doing reviews on local places I've found as well as some online grocers.